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Listed below are true Bigfoot experiences from Bigfoot Balm workers, customers, and friends.


Anonymous, Any City, USA

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Bigfoot Black and White Behind Tree ver

Eric R., Vancouver WA

Cottage Grove, OR 1975.



My Bigfoot encounter occurred, of all places, at rural golf course in Cottage Grove Oregon in 1975.  I know know what most of you are thinking, "A golf course?" "What's his handycap?"  "Did you let him play through?"


Believe me I've heard them all over the years! I literally quit sharing the incident all together because of all the lame one-liners and ridicule received from non-believers who've never had an encounter of his or her own.


I was 14 years old and never even heard of Bigfoot at the time.  As I said earlier, the golf course was very rural and was bordered by a thick wooded forest.  Today it's a huge subdivision with hundreds of homes, but back then it was just forest.


I recall it was a bit cloudy and a rainy that day.  My brother and step-dad were about fifteen and twenty yards behind me, respectfully, and off to my left about twenty yards away was the outer edge of the forested area that bordered the course.  


My ball was laying on the fairway near the green and being the closest to the flag, I stood nearby and waited for my brother to take his next shot.  


Suddenly, a rancid and fowl smell filled the air and wafted into my nostrils.  It smelled like a musty rotting road kill that got into a pissing match with a skunk.  I turned my head into the breeze to avoid the smell and in that instant locked eyes with an ENORMOUS black hairy creature.  A solid wave of adrenalin shot through every fiber of my being and a brief shock set in. 


The creature's massive body was half hidden behind a large tree and only its head and huge right arm and hand was exposed as it gripped the side of the tree.  It was apparently crouching down at the time because as soon as I caught its gaze it raised up to its full height.


As it turned around it exposed what was likely a nine foot frame.  Granted I was only fourteen, but I'd never seen anything like this before!  It had no neck and the back of its huge head sloped into a sort of crested ridge at the top and like the rest of the beast, was covered with long black hair.


I can't stress enough the sheer size and girth of this thing.  I have zero doubt it could easily body slam a bull moose and rip the antlers clean off its head!


Then, the creature rapidly spun hard to it's left and in its haste to flee the scene his left shoulder effortlessly snapped a thick tree branch at its base - over eight feet off the ground.  The beast then proceeded to loudly mow through tree branches and dense undergrowth as he quickly disappeared into the forest.


The noise of all the branches and brush breaking grabbed the attention of my brother and step-dad but they didn't see the Bigfoot themselves.  I had to regather my faculties for a few moments, having been a bit shaken by the whole incident. As they came near me I explained to them what I just saw and we slowly approached the area where the Bigfoot had been.

We soon discovered an enormous foot print three inches deep just under that first broken tree limb.  It was at least two and a half times wider than my shoe.  For comparison, I put my size twelve shoe into the print at the heel and the tip of my shoe was still six or seven inches shorter than other end of the print.


I've never forgotten that day or ever doubted what I saw with my own two eyes.  I've been a firm Bigfoot believer ever since, through and through, to this very day.

Encounters: Testimonials

(844) 4MY-BALM extension 802

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